Inspired by the surrounding landscape, Bailey Bridge Cabins and Campsites is designed to make your visit a unique, comfortable and fun experience. Our rooms are geared for the glamping enthusiast, our rates are competitive and the service is unparalleled. Our team knows that travelling can be exhausting, and will do their best to make your stay enjoyable. Take a look at our site to find out more about our camping,RV sites, cabins,and amenities, and get in touch if there’s anything else we can help you with. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Glamping in the Bella Coola Valley. Just bring bedding and a pillow.
for 2 people
($10 per person/night over 2 people). Tax extra.

“Nuxalkmc (Nuxalk people) have been occupying the lands & waters of the ancestral territory since time immemorial. The Nuxalk Nation is a mixture of many villages that are distributed throughout kulhulmcilh (our land), including the four largest villages: Talyu in Ats’aaxlh (South Bentick); Suts’lhm (Kimsquit) to the north -this includes Satskw’ (Kimsquit River) and Nutl’l (Dean River); Kwalhna to the west; and Q’umk’uts’ to the east.”
Norwegian settlers from Minnesota and Wisconsin arrived in 1894. The town was named “Hagen’s Borg” after Hagen B. Christensen, the first storekeeper in the area and postmaster from April 1, 1896 to October 14, 1910. (“borg” is Norwegian for a fortress or castle).